
Hi! I'm Dawn

I free families from the trap of child anxiety by working with and supporting parents through asynchronous education and support.

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#63: "You're too sensitive!"

Spoiler Alert: It's not You, it's Them Growing up I heard it all of the time. The problem is not that people are teasing me; it's that I'm too sensitive. The problem is not that the music's too loud; it's that I'm too sensitive. The problem is not that I don't like being yelled at; it's that I'm too sensitive. Sound familiar? It took me a long time to learn that I'm allowed to like what I like, to not like what I don't like, and to set limits on the things (and people) that bother me. You are...

Hello Reader, I know the Occasional Newsletter has been quiet but that's because there's been A LOT going on. For starters, we no longer live in Columbus. We've relocated to The Poconos due to my husband's job. I'm keeping my clinical practice, which has been online since Covid and retaining my Ohio license and of course I'm continuing my work with Child Anxiety Support. To that end, I wanted to share that I’m a featured speaker at the Neurodiverse Homeschooling Summit hosted by Afsaneh...

summer learning giveaway

Hello Reader, Are you worried about your child losing academic progress during the summer break? My fellow parent and colleague, Joi Renique, invited me to participate alongside other powerhouse education experts to share their best tips and strategies in an amazing online event. I’m extending a special invitation to you as a thank you for being a valuable member of my community. Introducing… The Summer Learning Giveaway: 15+ Educators and Coaches share tips, strategies and resources...

Hello Reader! We spent the last week in the Poconos working from a sweet little cottage in the woods as we contemplate a move here. My license is portable, my husband works from home and we are ready for a new adventure. We thought about spending an additional week but then I got word from my dad that his doctor has given him 30 days to live so by the time you get this Sunday morning we will be on I-84 heading home. cutie pie baby Rodney My dad is one of the smartest, funniest people I know....

leaping bunny

Hello Reader! I usually send out the monthly newsletter on the first Sunday of each month but this month I'm doing it the second because of the timing of the Spring Cohort so good morning and Happy Easter to those who are celebrating! I've been thinking a lot about love and control these days, about how we often want to control the experiences of those we love, basically. I've mentioned before that my dad is ill and last week he was officially placed on hospice. I've been reading and thinking...

woman reading in the spring sunshine

Brighter Side, Camila Pinheiro Hello Reader! Why I've missed your shining virtual faces! It turns out that moving to a monthly newsletter has been excellent timing because there has been a lot going on. Some of this has to do with my extended family and I'm mindful of their privacy so I'll just say that having this room to breathe has made traversing it all so much easier. I thank you all for being understanding as I've made this switch! On to the linkage! In the site Eve is asking for your...

Brighter Side

Brighter Side,Yuko Shimizu Hello Reader! So I've decided to do a thing, which is to turn this weekly newsletter into a monthly one. Why? Because I'm focusing my efforts on growing and taking care of Child Anxiety Support and this newsletter is pretty time consuming but doesn't do much to bring folks to the site. I've been taking a hard look at my schedule and asking myself, "Is this supporting my efforts to serve parents of anxious kids?" That's the work that I love. High intensity parents?...

That Small Voice: Mom's Notepad Collection, Jennifer Anderson Hello Reader! I was talking to someone on a consult call last week and I told them, "Listen, you need to make a paradigm shift and once you've made that shift, you're golden! Then you always and forever know how to parent an anxious child!" Which is true -- that's how it works. Make the shift and you will then see your child in a new way that will make all the difference! But you will still need to learn, practice and revisit the...

Gossip by Elizabeth Catlett

Gossip, Elizabeth Catlett Hello Reader! As most of you know, I have two kids (now grown) and they are both very different so were both easier and harder than each other depending on where they were at, where we were at, and what the heck was going on in our lives. But I remember that feeling of hitting a parenting wall and feeling like I must've made some mistake that brought us HERE to a place of frustration and anger and discouragement. Clearance costume from Joanne's. We are having a tough...

The Skating Pond

The Skating Pond, Monika Kinner Hello Reader! In October the US Preventive Services Task Force recommended that all kids 8 to 18 years old be screened for child anxiety, which is great. More screening is great! But it does nothing -- absolutely NOTHING -- to address the lack of services. So when I read this I was thrilled and then I was annoyed and then I got a little angry. Therapists are FULL. They are so full! And if they see kids -- especially younger kids -- the waitlists are so long...

feeding the birds

Feeding the Birds, Emma Haworth Hello Reader! I'm glad to be back! The holidays are great and all but me, I like a routine. As you know, this month (and next) we're doing a study on the book Parent-Led CBT for Child Anxiety. So far we've looked at the first two chapters and I wanted to share some info from that first chapter with all of you. (If you're a member and want to see the live, you can head here to catch the recording.) The book starts by sharing the research explaining why the focus...