#131: March is all about MELTDOWNS 🍀

Hello Reader!

Why I've missed your shining virtual faces! It turns out that moving to a monthly newsletter has been excellent timing because there has been a lot going on. Some of this has to do with my extended family and I'm mindful of their privacy so I'll just say that having this room to breathe has made traversing it all so much easier. I thank you all for being understanding as I've made this switch! On to the linkage!

In the site

  • Eve is asking for your feedback re., what you'd like to receive from her this month. You can let her know here. I also shared a great article about why the work that she does can make such a difference in the hard work of parenting in general let alone the extra-hard work of parenting an anxious child.
  • We finished up our Parent-Led CBT "no need to read" book club! All the hashtags to find our monthly topics are right here. Which brings me to...
  • For March we'll be talking MELTDOWNS! Not all anxious children and teens (and adults) have meltdowns but I'd say that most of them do. Anxious kids can look like angry kids! And sometimes it's the sweetest little darling who the teachers love for being such a mature, calm person at school and who then comes home and unleashes their inner dragon! We'll be talking about meltdowns in the context of anxiety -- why it happens, what to do, how to talk about it, and dealing with our own feelings around it. Our first live will be tomorrow, Monday March 6th at 8pm EST.
  • On Fridays I'm always live in the site. Every other week we shift so last Friday was a livechat at 8am (that's where you show up in the chat, easily accessible on the app or website, and I'm there drinking my coffee and ready to answer questions, get your updates, and otherwise cheer you on) and this Friday it'll be Live Zoom Office hours at 1pm EST. You can access a list of all of the upcoming events right here. There is no need to RSVP for them but you are welcome to do so. If you RSVP "going" or "maybe" you will automatically get a notification reminder 30 minutes before the event starts.

Links for the week

  • Just FYI, in April we will start our first spring cohort in the site! Starting Monday April 3rd we will be walking through the program together. All the live events will be focused on the curriculum of Strong Kids, Strong Families and we'll take it week by week. If you've been waiting to join, this would be a great time to do it. Remember you get the first 30 days free so you can basically get all of April for free -- what a deal, right? Join right here!
  • Animated Drawings lets you upload a picture your child has drawn and animate it. It doesn't work for 4-legged creatures -- it really wants you to upload a person-like figure -- but once you set it up it's very cool!
  • In this time of book banning I wish they'd bring back Curious Pages, an abandoned blog that shared inappropriate books for children. Several of these are from my own childhood! Like this one! And sometimes they have a celebrity reviewer.

See you in the site!

P.S. Not yet a member? Want to grab a time to talk to me and ask about the program? Here's my scheduling calendar!

Hi! I'm Dawn

I free families from the trap of child anxiety by working with and supporting parents through asynchronous education and support.

Read more from Hi! I'm Dawn

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