#63: "You're too sensitive!"

Spoiler Alert: It's not You, it's Them

Growing up I heard it all of the time.

  • The problem is not that people are teasing me; it's that I'm too sensitive.
  • The problem is not that the music's too loud; it's that I'm too sensitive.
  • The problem is not that I don't like being yelled at; it's that I'm too sensitive.

Sound familiar?

It took me a long time to learn that I'm allowed to like what I like, to not like what I don't like, and to set limits on the things (and people) that bother me. You are allowed to set those limits, too!

That's what we'll be learning in my Bounded Compassion class!

In this 6-week class you will get weekly lessons and assignments that are easy to fit into your busy week. You'll also get access to one-on-one support from me and a whole cheering system from our community.

We start on October 4th and there are two ways to join

First way, join Bounded Compassion alone for $97

Second way, join Strong Kids, Strong Families, the 12-week anti-anxiety program, BUT if you join before October 4th, the day Bounded Compassion starts, you'll get SIX EXTRA WEEKS in the membership! That gives you six weeks to take Bounded Compassion AND the 12 weeks for Strong Kids, Strong Families all for $497!

Your sensitivity is a super power and I'm gonna help you protect it! Questions? Hit reply and let me know!

Links for the week

  • I want to share a couple of museums for the matriarchy. First off we have the Museum of Motherhood, which has a free/low-cost residency for maternal scholars. Kinda seems like a great place to get away from grabby children to focus on a project. I mean, who better to understand the trials and tribulations of trying to get anything done while working the second shift but a museum all about motherhood?
  • With what is clearly the most fun museum store around, we have the singularly focused Vagina Museum. Maybe your mother-in-law would really appreciate some blue acrylic vulva earrings this holiday season; a subtle but powerful statement in these trying times.
  • Here's one of those 100 Tips for a Better Life collections with actual good tips. Oh and for #3, I gave up a desk chair to buy a perching stool (I have this one in orange). No more hip or lower back pain even after a full day with clients!



Hi! I'm Dawn

I free families from the trap of child anxiety by working with and supporting parents through asynchronous education and support.

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