#130: Now sending MONTHLY

Hello Reader!

So I've decided to do a thing, which is to turn this weekly newsletter into a monthly one. Why? Because I'm focusing my efforts on growing and taking care of Child Anxiety Support and this newsletter is pretty time consuming but doesn't do much to bring folks to the site. I've been taking a hard look at my schedule and asking myself, "Is this supporting my efforts to serve parents of anxious kids?" That's the work that I love. High intensity parents? YES! Parenting high intensity kids? DOUBLE YES PLEASE!

What this means is:

  • The Short, Sweet and Useful newsletter will now go out the first Sunday of each month;
  • Members will continue to get a quick Sunday update sharing what's happening in the site for the upcoming week (so you can add any events to your planner or click to recordings), which is basically the middle part of this newsletter;
  • Those of you who are currently getting a weekly email about child anxiety and the program will continue to do so (and if you want in on that, you get added when you sign up for Get Yourself Grounded or download the Bill of Rights for Anxious Kids).

What this will let me do is free up my Sunday mornings to focus on content for the site. ❤️

Speaking of ... In the site

  • Eve posted the February Stress Reset yesterday and you can find it here! Thank you Eve!!!
  • Last week we covered Chapter 6 of Parent-Led CBT for Child Anxiety and it's a good episode to check out if you're feeling stuck in making your Accommodation Map, (which happens in the third lesson of Strong Kids, Strong Families).
  • I'll be Live in the site on Tuesday at 10am EST going over Chapter 7: "Helping Parents Promote Independent Problem Solving." You can login to the site on the phone app or via the site to post questions and comments in the chat.
  • And I'll be on Zoom hosting Open Office Hours at 1pm EST this Friday. Get the Zoom link here and come on by to chat, ask questions, and check in!
  • You know from reading this newsletter that I like to find useful info all over the place to pass around so I've been working to share more resources in the site. I recently posted two that I think are really useful. One is from the Child Mental Health Network On Talking to Your Teen and another one I posted after getting a question from a member about Social Media and Child Mental Health.

Links for the week

  • AI chats are all the rage but this one is especially fun because it lets you chat with famous people fictional and not ranging from Chandler Bing to Socrates. I bet we'll be seeing more of these showing up!
  • My mom -- prescient as she was -- made all three of us take typing in high school even though most college prep kids skipped the typing class. (Her thinking? "You can always get a job as a secretary!") Anyway, this is a fun way to practice typing -- do it while reading/copying an entire novel. Jane Eyre? 1984? The Yellow Wallpaper? Yup. Type (and read!) away!
  • My friend Mart makes it a hobby to point out when the house layouts in shows and movies don't match the exterior shots (don't get him started on The Brady Bunch!) and this site is a little like that. It tracks inaccurate binocular shots. The whole list of movies they cover is here and you can suggest your own submissions there, too.

See you in the site!

P.S. Not yet a member? Want to grab a time to talk to me and ask about the program? Here's my scheduling calendar!

Hi! I'm Dawn

I free families from the trap of child anxiety by working with and supporting parents through asynchronous education and support.

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